NJFC Applauds Governor’s Passage of “COVID-19 Heroes Day” Honoring Our Workforce

The New Jersey Food Council (NJFC) applauds the unwavering support expressed by Gov. Phil Murphy for the passage of a Resolution that honors all front-line workers, including the food and grocery workforce, as part of a COVID-19 Heroes Day.

“Our lifeline food industry workforce heeded the call, serving our state in a time of crisis to keep New Jersey residents fed and supplied during the tremendous uncertainty of this global pandemic” said Linda Doherty, president & CEO, NJFC. “The NJFC is in full support of Governor Murphy’s action to create ‘Covid-19 Heroes Day,’ serving as a constant reminder of the service of these professionals at a time when their dedication and spirit was needed most.”

Doherty added: “Our neighborhood grocery store associates and suppliers consistently display compassion, strength, and leadership, remaining focused on customer service and community support. This resilient workforce truly deserves to be honored and recognized with this day.”

NJFC is also pleased that Governor Murphy last week announced grocery and food industry workers are eligible for vaccination after being recognized as an “essential industry” in the state.  This is a significant and meaningful action by the Murphy Administration to support our workforce as we stand at the frontline to feed and provide nutrition for 9 million residents of New Jersey.

The bi-partisan Heroes Day Resolution sponsored by State Sen. Vin Gopal (D-Monmouth) and Sen. Anthony Bucco (R-Morris) demonstrates the unified support of all parties to celebrate and pay tribute to the grocery workforce.

Doherty is pleased to note that New Jersey’s supermarket workers were also honored as part of a national “Supermarket Employee Day” on February 22.

Posted in Breaking News.