NJFC Releases its 2023 Digital “Green Guidelines”

The New Jersey Food Council (NJFC) has released its “Green Guidelines” to benefit its members and the communities they serve.

The digital guidelines educate members about environmentally friendly initiatives, as well as preserving natural resources and other ways in which food retailers can incorporate effective sustainability programs that benefit all of New Jersey.

“As a result of the pandemic, it is clear the food distribution industry is beyond essential,” said Linda Doherty, president & CEO, NJFC. “These guidelines provide relevant, efficient strategies for food retailers and suppliers throughout the state who are eager to realize stronger environmental awareness and broaden their sustainability goals.”

Doherty added: “We are pleased to include 95 `green actions,’ which are helpful tips to reduce waste, save energy and further elevate New Jersey as an environmental leader.”

NJFC members are urged to share the digital Green Guidelines within their stores and pass them along to suppliers and other businesses throughout the state.

“Our goal is for the New Jersey food distribution industry to use these digital Green Guidelines as a one-stop resource to operate a greener and more sustainable business in the Garden State,” Doherty added.

The Green Guidelines can be downloaded at: NJFC Green Guidelines FINAL

Posted in Breaking News.